We welcomed the Area Dean, Father Gwyn Clement,
as preacher at our celebration of St Jude's Day
and the centenary of the dedication of the Lady Chapel.
Edward the boat boy (the Vicar started here)
Anastasia leads the procession
The altar, prepared by Iris Elkington
Ave Maria
Enamelled terracotta Virgin and Child
given in memory of Roma Read
St Jude chasuble worn by the vicar
St Jude banner (early 1920s)
Our Lady's banner (remade 1962)
and Diamond Jubilee banner (1971)
Image of Our Lady after Fra Fillippo Lippi Madonna with two Angels (in the Uffizi, Florence) given as the Shears Memorial (1964) (on south side of sanctuary)
The Angelus (by the bell pull)
Anna returned from Oxford to direct the music
Agreement reached
The temperance tradition of the Free Church was represented.
Photos by Lucrezia Walker
Photos (and flowers) by Iris Elkington