From Yukie Yagioka
Thank you very much indeed for your wonderful support for my appeal last Sunday. I am deeply grateful to you for all your kindness and generosity. The appeal was a great success and raised £756 and 40 pence. I really treasure the fact that you made these donations and the kind thoughts that accompanied them. All the money raised will be sent to the Japanese Red Cross through the British Red Cross (www.redcross.org.uk) after Sunday 27 March.
I do hope that the suffering of the people of Japan will soon be relieved. I pray to God for that.
I was so pleased you seemed to enjoy the sushi and I would also like to thank Miss Atsuko Takao who is a professional violinist. Her playing gave a more Japanese flavour to the event and she took time from her busy schedule to play for us for free. She will come and play again this Sunday.
I would like to make vegetable sushi again for this coming Sunday 27 March and this time I would like to give a small sushi pack to everyone including the children as a token of my gratitude and I hope this way to be able to return some of your kindness and generosity.
Thank you again for your kind hearts.
I look forward to your support this Sunday.